
While I am now on the air only weekly as a talk show host, I have many years I as a disk jockey, etc.


One of my most enduring stories from that time is about a women who sat at the front desk of a "radio group," answered phones and dealt with listeners from various stations who came in to claim prizes they had won.

In casual conversations with her I learned she enjoyed going to garage sales on her lunch break, and had been married several times. The first couple were during her very young days when infatuation kicked in. But her latest marriage worked and she and her husband and daughters were all happy and getting along.

One day she ducked in from one of her lunch break garage sale trips and placed a very nice replica of a Madonna and child on my desk. She thought I might like it since I was working for a Catholic radio station and by the way it only cost a quarter. That was just the kind of person she was, very thoughtful.


To find out why I now treasure this 25 cent gift, click here.
A Gift To A Stranger